The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) accompanies micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to advance their class through business matching and training on exports. LPEI Executive Director Riyani Tirtoso explained that this activity aims to transform MSME actors into digital marketing methods. The assistance of MSMEs towards digital is expected to open wider market access.
“Since this program was held in 2015 the enthusiasm of MSME actors has been very high to take part in our training so that they can advance to class,” explained Riyani Tirtoso through an official statement (10/11/2022).
According to, The program carried out by LPEI is in line with the G20’s big theme, namely “Recover Together, Recover Stronger”. This program invites all citizens of the world to work together to restore the earth from the pandemic and build a sustainable world.
“This (G20) event has a positive impact on Indonesia and especially for Indonesian MSME actors. Participating in exhibitions on an international scale, provides new insights on how MSME actors must have the characteristics, uniqueness of their products in addition to maintaining product quality. We are proud that one of our fostered partners, Maharani Craft whose products are in the form of jewelry and handicrafts, has been chosen as one of the G20 souvenirs for the delegates,” said Riyani Tirtoso.
In addition to promoting digitalization, LPEI also supports aspects of gender equality, especially the role of women as the pillars of the people’s economy. This is one of the benchmarks in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) factor. The role of women is supported by LPEI’s fostered partners, including Humbang Kriya, CV Bali Ayu, and Songket Lintau Pamihan.
As many as 60 percent of Humbang Kriya’s workers consist of female craftsmen. Next CV Bali Ayu, which is engaged in beauty products, employs 80 percent of female tailors. Meanwhile, Songket Lintau Pamihan from West Sumatra employs 100 percent of women craftsmen