Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan expressed his commitment to developing the economy for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). He conveyed this commitment in the national seminar titled Business Dialogue: Expansion of Indonesian Business Market Access to World Muslim Countries. This national seminar was held on 25 January 2023 in Jakarta.
“This Business Dialogue is a good opportunity for Indonesian business people. So they can know about market opportunities and trends in 2023,” said Zulkifli in a written statement (26/01/2023).
According to, the best way to develop MSMEs now is to pay attention on how the process works. Zulkifli said that it was important to know how the process works in their ecosystem. These ecosystems include modern retail, small shops, export financing institutions, and people’s business loans. When everything is combined and works in a harmonized process, it will produce one large and well-developed ecosystem.
Zulkifli also reminded the public to take advantage of current technological advances. At least, 40 percent of trade transactions come from digital through the marketplace.
“We have to be able to make the best use of the marketplace. Because when MSMEs promote products on the marketplace, these products can be seen not only by the people of Jakarta. ut also the whole world. For this reason, in order for their business to progress, MSME players must get used to working with market locations.” he added.
At the seminar, Minister Zulkifli also presented the results of the trade agreement with Saudi Arabia that happened on 21 to 23 January 2023. The trade agreement was successful, resulting in a potential transaction of more than USD 155.7 million.