Bale Sehat – Rizcolat Peanut Chocolate Bar 35g

Rp24.919,00Rp44.765,00 (-44%)

Sold By: Bale Sehat

25 in stock

Rizcolat chocolate products are processed cocoa from farmer groups in West Sumatra. Naturally fermented and grown according to UTZ certification standards. Entered the category of the 50 best cocoa beans in the world at the COCOA of EXCELLENT (COA) contest in Paris.



Kondisi: Baru

Berat Satuan: 50 g

Kategori: Cokelat

Etalase: Semua Etalase

Rizcolat Peanut Chocolate Bar 35g

Sedang mengalami hari yang sulit? Tenangkan pikiranmu dengan Rizcolat Moccacino Chocolate Bar. Rizcolat merupakan brand turunan Bale Sehat yang tertuju pada kaum milenial. Tidak perlu khawatir dengan rasa manisnya, karena memakai gula semut kelapa yang indeks glikemiknya lebih rendah dari gula biasa.

Produk cokelat Rizcolat merupakan olahan kakao dari kelompok tani di Sumatera Barat. Difermentasi secara alami dan penanaman sesuai dengan standar sertifikasi UTZ. Masuk kategori 50 biji kakao terbaik di dunia kontes COCOA of EXCELLENT (COA) di Paris.

Setiap biji cacao mempunyai karekteristik berbeda setiap daerah. Kandungan cocoa butter lebih tinggi, tidak mudah meleleh dan baik untuk kesehatan.

Healthy Snack!
Berat Bersih: 35g

– Biji Kakao Alami 57% (Cocoa Beans)
– Lemak Kakao (Cocoa Butter)
– Gula semut kelapa (Coconut Sugar)
– Coffee (Kopi)
– Milk powder (Susu bubuk)
– Pasta vanilla (Vanilla Paste)
– Lesitin Kedelai (Soybean Lecithin)

– Cocok dimakan langsung terutama sebagai cemilan selama waktu kerjamu!
– Dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan pada smoothies, yoghurt, salad, ice cream, dan sereal!
– Dicairkan bersama dengan susu akan sangat nikmat ketika meleleh lumer dengan lembut di dalam mulut Anda!

– Disimpan dalam keadaan tertutup dengan suhu 18°C hingga kondisi suhu ruang

!!Disarankan memakai pengiriman paling cepat, karena produk rentan meleleh!!

– Cokelat Couverture murni dari biji kakao sangat rentan timbul fat bloom atau bintik-bintik yang timbul dicoklat dan juga putih-putih berawan apabila suhu ada perubahan suhu
– Cokelat yang memiliki Fat bloom hanya merubah penampilan cokelat batang dan tetap aman untuk dikonsumsi dalam kondisi apapun.

Bila ada pertanyaan, kami dapat dihubungi langsung baik melalui fitur chat Tokopedia ataupun pada social media kami di Instagram dan Facebook.

Simply Eat Well!

Condition: New Unit Weight: 50 g Category: Chocolate Storefront: All Storefront Rizcolat Peanut Chocolate Bar 35g Having a hard day? Calm your mind with Rizcolat Moccacino Chocolate Bar.
Rizcolat is a Bale Sehat derivative brand that is aimed at millennials. No need to worry about the sweet taste, because it uses coconut ant sugar which has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar.
Rizcolat chocolate products are processed cocoa from farmer groups in West Sumatra. Naturally fermented and grown according to UTZ certification standards. Entered the category of the 50 best cocoa beans in the world at the COCOA of EXCELLENT (COA) contest in Paris. Each cacao bean has different characteristics in each region.
The content of cocoa butter is higher, it is not easy to melt and is good for health.
Healthy Snacks! Net Weight: 35g COMPOSITION: – Natural Cocoa Beans 57% (Cocoa Beans) – Cocoa Fat (Cocoa Butter) – Coconut sugar (Coconut Sugar) – Coffee (Coffee) – Milk powder (Milk powder) – Vanilla paste (Vanilla Paste) – Soy Lecithin (Soybean Lecithin) PRESENTATION: – Perfect to eat straight away especially as a snack during your work time! – Can be used as an additive to smoothies, yogurt, salads, ice cream, and cereals! – Melted together with milk will be very delicious when it melts gently in your mouth! STORAGE: – Stored in a closed state with a temperature of 18°C ​​to room temperature conditions DELIVERY: !!It is recommended to use the fastest delivery, because the product is prone to melting!! DESCRIPTION: – Pure Couverture chocolate from cocoa beans is very susceptible to fat blooms or spots that appear brown and also cloudy white when the temperature changes – Chocolate that has Fat bloom only changes the appearance of the chocolate bar and remains safe for consumption under any conditions.
If you have questions, we can be contacted directly either through the Tokopedia chat feature or on our social media on Instagram and Facebook. Simply Eat Well!

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Weight 0,1 kg
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Bale Sehat - Rizcolat Peanut Chocolate Bar 35g

Rp24.919,00Rp44.765,00 (-44%)

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