Tas kulit cowok Marcello Backpack On Camel
Tas kulit cowok Marcello Backpack On Camel
It’s simple, those who want to travel a day or two. Suffice it…. Marcello Backpack, this drawstring model masculine backpack is also getting a lot of requests from #bagbonatics bros.
It fits quite a lot of things and is comfortable to wear because there is foam inside the strap. The appearance is simple but still has an elegant impression, it can add to your stylish level. This backpack model leather drawstring bag is durable because it is made from full-grain genuine cowhide which is graded A cowhide and has high durability.
This genuine leather bag Indonesia or leather drawstring backpack can also be used to carry a laptop up to 15′ because there is a special compartment for laptops equipped with
safety foam. There is still a leather cover with a hook that makes it look even cooler. Size : 31 x 15 x 40 cm | Material : Full Grain Leather . Grab it as quickly as possible!
Simple niy yang mau travelling sehari dua hari. Cukuplaaaahhh…. Marcelo Backpack, tas ransel kulit pria phantom model serut gini juga banyak pemintaan dari para bro #bagbonatics.
tas backpack kulit sintetis yang tampil dengan desain simpel dan elegan. Yang bisa membuat gaya kalian tambah stylish dan makin kece. Ditambah lagi tas serut kulit ini dibuat dari kulit sapi asli jenis full grain yang terkenal dengan keawetannya.
Cukup muat banyak barang dan nyaman dipake karena ada busa di dalam handle nya.
tas ransel kulit pria morreno ini bisa juga buat bawa laptop 14′ karena terdapat compartement khusus laptop dilengkapi
dengan busa pengaman. Masih ada penutup kulit dengan cantolan yang bikin penampilan makin cool. Size : 30 x 20 x 50 cm | Material : Full Grain Leather | Harga : IDR 995K. Grab it as quickly as possible !
Additional information
Weight | 4 kg |
Dimensions | 31 × 15 × 40 cm |
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